Jeff Chamberlain, Blizzard Entertainment

Jeff Chamberlain, Blizzard Entertainment

14 Jul

“What if the cinematic is about a group of kids on a field trip in an Overwatch Museum?”

I remember this pitch from our first story discussions for the initial Overwatch announcement cinematic. This single idea shaped how we develop stories for Overwatch to this day. Until then, we had been talking about more dire and serious settings to help shepherd in this new universe, but ultimately, we realized this story—with its wholesome, brighter tones—was the way to go. In that discussion, we referenced films from our childhoods with similar vibes that focused on character, hope, and, most importantly, heart. This is what we wanted Overwatch to be. Pillars such as “a future worth fighting for” and “heroes inspire heroism” were born out of those discussions, guiding us to form the story and overall feeling of Overwatch into what it is today.

Speaking of “today” and “story,” we are on the brink of releasing our first set of Story Missions for Overwatch. For those ...

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